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NEWS: World's Best Hard Seltzer 2023

world premix awards 2023 world's best hard seltzer logo over malocchio hard seltzer kakadu plum can on a purple background

You might have heard the rumours about how great our seltzers taste, now its official!

Our two entries into the World Premix Awards 2023 that were held in the UK last month were a hit.

We are so incredibly thrilled to be awarded World's Best Hard Seltzer along with gold for our Kakadu Plum and silver for our Finger Lime. This was our first time entering any beverage competition and to see our seltzers stand up like this against national and international brands is truly amazing.

Here's what the judges had to say about our drinks.

world premix awards 2023 gold logo over malocchio hard seltzer kakadu plum can on a purple background

Kakadu Plum: "Nice subtle nose, really good carbonation, really enjoyable sweet jammy flavours on the palate, very refreshing, floral and fruity with the right amount of sweetness, subtle flavours but enjoyable.

world premix awards 2023 silver logo over malocchio hard seltzer finger lime can on a green background

Finger Lime: "Initial sweetness on the nose, almost confectionary. Bright and zippy and refreshing on the palate. Good, well-balanced product!

Thanks to all who have helped and supported us in our journey so far, this is just the beginning!

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